Words of Wisdom, Email Newsletter
Plant seeds of wisdom today
Take the next 23 or so breaths slowly and reflect deeply on your life. I hope these words help you grow in you the most valuable treasure in life: wisdom. Wisdom grows imperceptibly but flourishes like a mighty oak, standing the test of time
WoW 116: On the emotional labor of silence
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The quality of your life is determined by the depth of your commitments. The steeper the path, the more you are transformed by walking it.
A dull sword can't cut. Your commitment to discipline, discipleship, and deep prayer opens you to be sharpened and then used by the Lord.
Great ambition requires greater discipline. If you desire influence, walk the narrow road with enthusiasm.
"Aristotle described virtue as a kind of craft, something to pursue just as one pursues the mastery of any profession or skill. “We become builders by building and we become harpists by playing the harp,” he wrote. “Similarly, then, we become just by doing just actions, temperate by doing temperate actions, brave by doing brave actions.” Virtue is something we do. It’s something we choose...It’s a daily challenge, one we face not once but constantly, repeatedly. Will we be selfish or selfless? Brave or afraid? Strong or weak? Wise or stupid? Will we cultivate a good habit or a bad one? Courage or cowardice? The bliss of ignorance or the challenge of a new idea? Stay the same . . . or grow? The easy way or the right way?"
Ryan Holiday, Discipline is Destiny
"The difference between an amateur and a professional is in their habits. An amateur has amateur habits. A professional has professional habits."
Steven Pressfield, Turning Pro
Do your habits match your ambition?
Which area do you need to grow the most in – discipline, discipleship, or deep prayer? What's one small thing you can consistently practice in this area?
(Use these questions as a journal prompt and to guide your prayers this week)
More than setting goals, focus on who you want to become and then develop the small daily practices that will put you on the path to get there.
Live wisely,


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As a psychotherapist and writer, I love sharing how you can overcome your greatest struggles and pursue living wisely.... Read more
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